
Steve bantu biko i write what i like
Steve bantu biko i write what i like

By so doing, Steve Biko carved himself a niche in the annals of the history of the struggle of liberation in South Africa. Biko was never silent nor ambiguous nor evasive when the truth called him to speak. He was a perceptive thinker, an articulate speaker, a persuasive spokesman, a wise, resolute and committed leader.

steve bantu biko i write what i like

The 44th annual commemoration of the death of Steve Biko seems a fitting point at which to pause and reflect on his profound influence and personal legacy. To survive from then on, he must understand the master better than the master understands him.” With the death of Steve Biko, the black people of South Africa lost a leader who did the most to bring them to that moment of insight and understanding. Such was Steve Biko, a fitting product of his time a proud representative of the re-awakening of a people – Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela Black Consciousness Movement (BCM) founder Steve Bantu Biko.Īndrew Silk, the frequent contributor to The Nation Newspaper, poignantly remarked that “theorists of revolution speak of the moment when the servant stops believing the master yet does not have the power to overthrow him. It is the dictate of history to bring to the fore the kind of leaders who seize the moment, who cohere the wishes and aspirations of the oppressed.

Steve bantu biko i write what i like